Let go of old dogmas and linear rules. Challenge asana myths that hurt and exclude people.
Investigate your own experience. Find your own pace, fluidity, and strength in a structure that is an invitation, not a rule.
Own your practice and teachings.
Teaching is a creative process. Feel confident in your skills.
An invitation to evolve your yoga practice
In our teacher trainings we invite you to embrace a new way of thinking, practicing and teaching. Through daily immersion into the depths of Movement, Philosophy, Pranayama and Meditation, Anatomy, Chanting, Sacred Dance and more you will unfold as a practitioner, a teacher, and a yogi.
This training is all about practicing and teaching an embodied yoga practice. The call is to move away from a shape based practice and from the gymnastics that is often on offer. The world of yoga is evolving and in the 25 years that Julie has been practicing and teaching she has seen so much change that it's easy to become confused by "What is yoga now?" and "what isn't yoga?" .
The fact is, Yoga is a practice that has been evolving for thousands of years and it continues to evolve! We need to keep in mind that we are not looking for a 'right' or wrong way. As true practitioners we remain curious to the process, not only in what we are learning but also in what we are experiencing within ourselves. We are looking for freedom in movement, to explore beyond previous boundaries and translate that into useful teaching tools. By embracing this philosophy we can have a practice that is true to ourselves. An embodied, modern yoga practice that moves from the inside out - not the outside. in. Bringing the practice back to the essence of what is important for us as beings, using movement that allows us to explore without the dogma that intimidates.
Cultivating a somatic embodied practice that is constantly unfolding and enriched with personal growth. Your practice will be different every day! We can nurture our ability to expand beyond the asana, off the mat and live our practice.

Julie Martin is with out question one of the best teachers I've had in my life. She is the kind of person that appealed to me instantly with her great sense of humour, clarity, and passion. Julie opened up to me different ways of moving, understanding and teaching yoga. Everything became more free, interesting and the practice just started to make more sense. Julie has been an important part of my yogic path from the beginning, she taught me on my Level 1 and I took the full Level 2 training with her and Emil Wendel at Brahmani Yoga in India. The time I've spent with Julie and her team has influenced my teachings permanently. I will always be deeply grateful for the inspiration.
Yoga Teacher, Yogashala Iceland
Julie gives me not only confidence to explore my own relationship to yoga and movement but also the courage to be unconventional, break free of shapes and the total focus on alignment. Everything in the world changes and why should not Yoga so Julie inspires me to evolve by her bringing in the latest science in anatomy, movement and other non yoga styles like animal movement, martial arts and 3D training and more.
Yoga Teacher
NEW TRAINING: Brahmani Yoga Excellence & Empowerment Programme
Level 2 Embodied Yoga Teacher Training
Online & In Person | June 2021
This is a course like no other. Combining years experience, research and skill, with a fully supportive online learning platform, this programme is the new evolution of Brahmani Yoga's inspiring teacher trainings.
About our programme
From the very beginning, Brahmani yoga teacher training programmes have gone beyond the industry standards and created courses that make a difference. Yoga practices are in evolution, life is in evolution, and understanding how yoga meets the modern world has been the driving force behind refining and developing the structures and content of each programme.
As well as deepening your personal understanding, we hold great importance on interaction and feedback of information. You will be presenting and voicing your own experiences, telling your own stories and learning from them throughout the programme. Participants will learn to integrate skills and knowledge and make it applicable for teaching and personal growth.
At Brahmani Yoga you will never learn a script or be told to teach only a certain type of sequence or asana style. Julie and all the Brahmani team will provide skills to equip you for the creative process as a teacher. Our ‘philosophical unfolding’ and ‘anatomical myth busting’ classes stand in equal measure with the movement work. Yoga is about bringing wholeness to life - to be lived and to be present and to share that with others in a professional and open way.
Pardon the pun, but there are no “sacred cows” in the Brahmani school. Our motto is “Question everything”. Remain curious and know that there are no ultimate rights or wrongs. Everyone is different, each body is different, every story is different. The true Tantric lineage of yoga should be embraced and enhanced instead of asked to conform to something that isn’t suitable. Our students are encouraged to remain in dialogue with the information. Julie and the team will not preach but will encourage and inform without bias. We’re also interested in the evolution of our trainings. Many students return to attend courses a few times to remain updated and gain new inspiration.
Above all we bring you quality. Each aspect is thought through to ensure that when you finish the training not only will you have new information and new tools to draw from, you’ll be excited and inspired to teach, to practice, to move into life with an open mind and heart.
What You'll Learn
Ideal Requirments
A Note About Yoga Alliance

New Course Format
Excellence & Empowerment Programme
A level 2 Training in Embodied Yoga
Part Live Online & Part In-Person Training
This is a course like no other. Combining years experience, research and skill, with a fully supportive online learning platform, this programme is the new evolution of Brahmani Yoga's inspiring teacher trainings.
Learn More